Thursday, August 5, 2010

Photo Time!

So as of tonight...meeebee could be tomorrow
I'm going to start another blog about photography.
So..I will be posting 5 photos everyday about a different theme
I need ideas people!!!

Or well my 1 follower...haha

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Since I'm horrible at sticking with just one sim...I'm working a neighborhood.

So far I have a lot of premades but some fuglys got in there too and decided to make decent looking children.
I might just have a legacy coming up soon, Idk.
If I do I'll be polling on the heir unless they only have one bebeh.
Or maybe I could do something else like a game show..kinda like big brother =D

Anyways ideas??

Coyadre I know you got some up there in that big wonderful brain of yours!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I love Bond =) and now I can listen to all the music I want without viruses hahaha!
But still that won't stop me from dling from limewire...if the FBI can't stop me neither can viruses, specially with awesome computer safety stuff!

But anywho...I'm going to do a legacy because I think it'd be grand.
Thing is it's hard to stick with it cause I get bored annnd I'm not a great picture taker... =/
But I'll learn doing it hehe...

I'll post a picture of my founder when I make her.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I gots a couple of pictures fer you all! =D

So my latest family (Rockett) consists of an Alien and a hot inventor...which I dunno if there really is such a thing as a hot inventor! Haha.

Anywho my game crashed before I could get to save everything, which sucks and happens occasionally.
They ended up getting a lot of magical mr gnomes...hehe everywhere like it the yard was friggin full of them!
I caught some gnomes being naughty too =D


Siamese twins!!

His butt was pokin out so he didn't win at hide and seek =)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I had to reinstall everything =(

My launcher wouldn't let me patch my game cause it couldn't connect to the internet.
So I unistalled all of my games and CC and reinstalled it.
But being the idiot that I am sometimes I lost my Sims 3  booklet with my key on it.
I had to go chat with a customer support guy whose name happened to be Tyrone (Backyardigans time people!)
He gave me my key after giving him some vital info...e-mail and b-day ahah.
So I re-installed my games and spent most of the night trying to find all of my favorite CC.
Which is a pain in the ass to do.
So to find some CC that I could only download from the exchange so I wouldn't have to pay 4 dollars for a hairstyle.
I ended up with Baby Girl Doll Dressed.
That stupid piece of corrupt CC that sticks to everything and makes your game crash.
I uninstalled the file and now I can't find the day CC that had it so I had to uninstall all of my CC again...well the Sims3pack files.

Anyways I've got some cool screen shots I saved at least, you'll get a good laugh!

It's our friend FuryRed! I take it she doesn't like unicorns =D

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gaaaay just gay =(

So my game wouldn't save...I had done all these awesome things and it wouldn't save. Lame!
I kept getting the Error 12 thing which in EA speak it means "We're crappy and can't fix anything right so if you do the save as to try and re-save it we'll crash your game!" Which it did just that. I was going to call the customer service....
But they're lame too. I got put on hold forever so I just hung up after listening to Steven Hawking tell me what to do.
It really does sound like him btw.
After giving up for a few hours and going to the mall and dinner and what not my game started working again!


By the by I don't know who I want to play with...there is Rae, Jaxton, Cayden and Kody (Boy girl twin) and Astrid and Xenia (twins) I'll post pics up later and maybe I could get help to decide =D


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Teehee =) he's shhmexxy

This is Taylor's new roomie...his name is Dren Madrid
He likes to give sexxxy looks =D

"Hey baby why don't you join me in the tub? ;)"
He definitely made bebes with Taylor hehe!
She paints in her underwear because her maternity outfit is hiiideous

But this is their daughter Rae Gunn, she likes to not stare at the camera

But I find her adorable anyways!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fun with Drew and Taylor

This is Drew, he belongs to Fury but I liked him soooo much!
This is Taylor Gunn =D
This is Taylor's attempt at picking up Drew >.<

&& then the fight ensues!

Hehe I thought it was funny =D

I just popped my blog's virginity =D

Sooo this is my first post. I have no idea what to write. But this will be where I post all about my Sims I guess and what goes on in the Sim world.

On I'm magirl918 soo yeah =)